Why is it that every movie that comes out now that's about regular human relationships and friendships that comes out has artwork the looks like JUNO. so above is I think the soundtrack art for Juno. The visual style was carried throughout the movie etc.. Ok so here's the art for 500 Days of Summer, kind of this year's JUNO so to speak

I've heard this is an entirely charming movie in its own right and that it has its own odd idiosyncrasies but there it goes again with similar lettering.

Of course the original offender of the Juno-esque text is Nick & Norah. I even remember my older brother upon seeing the trailers and commercials saying Looks like Juno. This movie is wonderful in its own right and it really celebrates regular, everyday New York City as opposed to 5th Avenue, Times Square and the fashion and business districts.
Now I'm going to show the absolutely most clearly JUNO inspired piece of Film art since JUNO came out.

I'm interested in seeing this movie too. It's about a couple whose extended families are largely away from them attempting to find a place to raise their child through road trippin across the U.S. Those leads are pretty well known and funny so I won't mention them.
Anyways. This art is just like the opening sequence from Juno when Ellen Page is partially real, and partially illustrated as she slugs back a jug of SunnyD so that she has enough pee for all the pregnancy tests she's taking.
My problem is that the visual and filmed precedent of Juno, one of my favorite films has created a visual shorthand for those creating marketing for films with "that sort of feeling" of lets say
"truthful human relationships" that has just become a lazy way to promote a similar group of films to the masses.

The worst Junoish writing is for the MTV show 16 and pregnant about Teenagers who bring their kids to term to either raise them or who knows what. It's a decently watchable show. The question is how much can you stomach of the reality of people you'd assume might be future guests of the Maury Povich show. I actually watched a season ending update show for this and it was quite interesting to see how these young people actually have come into their own as parents
Not much to say about this post, but I just saw your comment on Shweta's post and I just wanted to complement you on your good taste in poetry. I've always loved "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock".