Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Disability rants cont'd, I know it reads horribly

Sometimes my mind wanders
How would my life be
without disability

I'm much too planned as I am now.
I'd probably be more adventurous and spontaneous.
I might of been an EXTREEEEEEEEEEEME!!!!!!! type
Would I let myself be that physically reckless?

I'd be more athletic. Always longed to be coordinated.
Would I be? I'd have faster reaction time though, so who knows.
I know that I'd be taller. Apparently people with Spina Bifida lose
about a foot of height. I'm 5'7. Another foot would make me as large
as Michael Jordan.
That would be awesome

I wonder if I'd still be artistically inclined towards drawing and painting?
I can't think of myself without the ability to do those two but who knows?
I would like to think that I'd be more extroverted.
Disability and effects of it have made me very self conscious.
I hate that if somebody, even in my family, smells something unpleasant
they turn to me and ask if it was me. I've learned to tolerate that but
it's a sensitive area.

Mostly, I just wanna be able to walk down the street without anybody
stopping cold and just watching. It annoys me to no end when people
just stare. Little kids are fine but teenagers, adults, senior citizens who
walk a millimeter a minute. Or even perhaps people intentionally trying
to cut me off while I walk.

Above all else, It just annoys me when people badger me for if I need "help"
and make comments back when I do slip up on the escalator or stairs. If it
was anybody else, most people would just go on their way or snicker a bit.

I just hate how so many people just stop, stare, and bother me incessantly
for help or be entirely rude intentionally or not. There's no happy medium.
I'm sure plenty get irritated with social situations right in the middle or norm.
I just wanna live without anybody giving extra consideration or extra difficulties
because I am, as I am.

When I started, I was trying to write this like a poem but oh well.

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