Monday, August 17, 2009

mo' money, mo' sketches

The first one was a sketch I did while watchin "Just Friends" starring Ryan Reynolds and Amy Adams. I hadn't seen it until that day and it's hella funny. I was just drawing for the hell of it

The second one is a Curious George stuffed toy at my cousins' house. I did it during one of the days when all our cousins from Regina were all eating dinner together there. I actually did another drawing that same day of my 16 year old cousin Kristina (who came up with the Shia Labeouff clap clap song with me) Of course, she has that drawing. That one was just her sitting on the ground from behind. I didn't want her to know I was drawing because she would become self conscious and move around more. I quite like this Curious George stuffed toy drawing. It was done pretty quickly but it has personality.

Third one here is just one of my bouts of drawing random objects around the house with whatever is around to draw with. That usually means a pen and whatever paper is sitting around. The paper usually ends up being printer paper. Nothing wrong with printer paper. I use it all the time. As you can see from the objects drawn on this page that I was sitting near the computer while drawing.

And these are the stories of how these came to be.
I think that I'm in the final few stages of my painting for this summer. Pics will be up when they're up. I didn't do any work today because I needed to go in for some repairs on my AFOs/Splints/Braces....whatever you call them. Large, hard plastic covering to keep my feet straight while walking. Not that my feet aren't generally straight while walking now anyways. When I was a kid my feet went all over the place. That's a story of past days so I won't go into detail about that.


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