Friday, June 4, 2010

post surgery frustration

2-3 weeks back I had surgery on my butt to take care of some open wound issues. Recently, certain things might be flaring up again in regards to wounds there. It's incredibly frustrating to know that I can't necessarily trust that my body will heal up without some serious inconvenience and discomfort due to having to lay down excessively, limit how long I walk, and be aware of how long I've been sitting. This combination basically has amounted to feeling incredibly sluggish and somewhat annoyed at times. I find it hard to believe that with all that's possible due to advances in various fields that surgical procedures and the times necessary to heal them remain so unchanged. I wanna be able to get back to being active at levels that I'm used to but doing that can be potentially hazardous to my healing. It frustrates me that medical professionals use all this positive language that means well and is somewhat sincere yet they are ultimately helpless in regards to healing people in some cases. Being a person that has Spina Bifida, I've been dealing with medical professionals my whole life. After having more surgeries than most people have in their whole lives, no surgery exists alone. It's just the latest in a long line of personal inconveniences.

In general, I've learned that it's generally helpful to ask for all treatment options. Doctors, more often than not, generally recommend what's easiest for them to do as a first option regardless of any thoughts or sentiments previously expressed by the patient. Insist on blunt honesty about what's happening with you. Getting your anger out can be the best thing possible. I'm writing this because I got incredibly irritated when a dressing nurse mentioned these flare ups. I was furious for a little while around lunch yesterday.

Is it not understandable that someone would get incredibly angry and emotional when it's suggested that even post surgery, the problem area is still not fully healing properly.

The question could be asked, if the work of all these medical professionals isn't working, why have I been inconvenienced so heavily?

Thinking of all the time I've lost because of consultations and appointments with medical professionals unfortunately puts me into a head space that I don't like going to.

This was all a bit of a downer. I just needed to get it out. I'm sure I'll need to get it out again at some point in the future :-D

1 comment:

  1. <3
    that previous random comment was random.

    i dont know what it's like living with spina bifida but i really do hope that one day, there is something that will make your life a lot easier
